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Our service to candidates is of the highest priority here at Mint Human Capital and we understand that finding the right role can often be a daunting experience. If you are seeking employment, either on a permanent or contract basis we would like to talk to you.
We always have a wide range of opportunities available and also adopt a pro-active approach to finding the right individuals the right position.

What We Offer:


Job-hunting for a new permanent career can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. You can be confident that all of Mint Human Capital’ employment opportunities are qualified, thereby ensuring that the job, the company, and its culture match your career preferences. We work in partnership with many of our client companies. As privileged and preferred recruitment professionals working alongside key industry decision makers, the opportunities in our featured job listings are often 100% exclusive.


Though Mint Human Capital may be fortunate to have exclusive job listings, we are well aware that many highly talented professionals can make job changes without our involvement. However, that does not alter our desire to sustain a relationship with you throughout your career. This long-term perspective differentiates us from other recruitment firms and adds value for both employers and candidates.


Whether you are working actively with Mint Human Capital to find your next career opportunity or simply want a Human Capital specialist’s opinion on your next career options, we take the time to answer your questions. At Mint Human Capital, our team will treat you with respect and courtesy and is honoured to go over your past achievements and listen carefully to your future aspirations. We see ourselves as one of the few Human Capital Solutions firms that has both the experience and credibility to assume a position of trust inside client companies and with you, the valued candidate.


Mint Human Capital offers Contract or Interim employment services/opportunities as an effective and fulfilling alternative to full time employment. As part of your job search strategy or as a lifestyle choice, with contract work assignments you can work when and where you want.


Being a contract employee can secure you a position with our pre-qualified employer clients, rapidly and easily. Often, contract employees are offered full time employment through a “temp to perm” option, which gives both sides the opportunity to try out the business relationship, before making a full time commitment.


If you are a highly skilled contractor, Mint Human Capital aims to find you an exciting job with the best employers in your field and desired location with no fees charged to applicants.


Our recruitment process for candidates is simple: it is dedicated to in-depth skill and career understanding, providing support, advice and feedback at every step. During the search process with Mint Human Capital, candidates can expect a high level of commitment from our team:


Candidate Identification

Once we have identified you as a potential candidate, either from our candidate database, referral, or through our in-house research team, we will call you to discuss the details of your experience, skills, recent achievements and listen to your broader interests and long term career aspirations. If we feel you are a good fit with any of our role requirements and opportunities, we will recommend you for a potential client interview.


Interview Preparation

Mint Human Capital aims to meet all its candidates and prior to the client interview we will brief you, providing details of the interviewer and a review of the role to ensure you fully understand and still desire the opportunity. We will also keep you informed of any changes to timescales or any emerging requirements.


Client Interview

Immediately after your client interview, we will capture feedback from both you and our client. This enables Mint Human Capital to identify and address any areas of concern for both parties. If you are selected, we will prepare you for your following interviews in the same fashion as we did the first.  If you are not selected, we will inform you and give you as much feedback as we can; our relationship should not terminate at this stage. Mint Human Capital will continue to work with you to identify alternative opportunities and provide continued career development advice should you require it.


The Offer


If you receive an offer of employment from the client, we will handle the negotiation process on your behalf in a transparent and professional manner. After the negotiations and contracts are agreed, we will stay in touch with you throughout your notice period to ensure you are ready for the transfer to your new role.



Once placed in your new role, Mint Human Capital will call you and the client during the first few months to see how you are settling in the organisation. We will work with you and the client as needed to guarantee your integration is as smooth as possible.

Mint Human Capital will stay in touch several times a year as you excel in your exciting new career.

CV Prep Service:

An effective professional CV is a crucial component in any executive job search. Yet over and over again, as Human Capital Specialists, we see poorly written and presented CVs which lead to early elimination from a recruitment process.  A CV is really a marketing tool and it should be skilfully designed to convey essential employment information about you.


A well-designed CV will:​


  • Open doors to job opportunities.

  • Showcase a candidates strengths, accomplishments and career potential.

  • Result in a personal call from a potential employer.

  • Substantially shorten the job search time.

  • Create a positive and enthusiastic response from hiring organization.

  • Minimise or eliminate screen-out factors.

  • Rank high with automated applicant tracking systems: i.e., CVs scanned into computer databases, CVs submitted through e-mail, and CVs posted on job sites.

  • Help candidates maintain control of interviews by directing the interviewer toward their strengths.

Mint Human Capital can help candidates produce high quality designed CVs that present candidates in the best possible light. This is achieved through the time spent with candidates during interviews, where we capture their achievements, credentials, skill sets and strengths. Our team of experts includes a combination of active head-hunters and recruiters who are leading practitioners in their fields, along with creative marketing communications specialists.


Let Mint Human Capital assist you in refining your CV and highlighting the skills required to make sure your CV makes the best first impression, every time, increasing the likelihood of getting selected for that job interview!

Candidate Executive Outplacement:

Mint Human Capital are experts in assisting executives who have been downsized by counselling and coaching them throughout their job search process. We structure and deliver outplacement services differently than programs offered by other career counselling firms in that:


We specialise in executive outplacement.



We take a personal approach in delivering our services privately with each executive rather than via group sessions. This enables each executive to personally absorb the outplacement methodology and obtain all the guidance and support that is needed.


We offer our program FREE. If you are willing to invest the time with us, we are willing to help you reach your career goal. We begin each program with an in-depth briefing and program overview session that generally lasts 2-4 hours depending upon the executive. This is followed up by weekly counselling and coaching sessions conducted via phone. Daily email support is also provided.


All of our programs are personally delivered by executive search veterans and we have counselled hundreds of individuals (£50-£250K) in their job searches throughout a variety of industries.




Refer A Friend:

Recommendations are an important part of our business allowing us to find hidden talent.


Our Refer a Friend scheme is about recognising and thanking you for telling us about your friends or colleagues who might be interested to hear about how we could help them. We value the relationship we have with you and we will make every endeavour to advise your recommended friend or colleague in an honest and confidential way about their next career move.


By making an open or discrete recommendation to one of Mint Human Capital specialists, not only will you be helping someone find an exciting new role, you will also be entitled to 5% of the placement fee (we typically charge 30% of the total salary), once we place your recommended friend or colleague into a full time position. As a further incentive, we have put no limit on the number of referrals you can make and the rewards you can claim!

Timesheet Submission:

Your timesheet is your responsibility.


If we do not receive your timesheet by 10.00 am on Monday, it will not be processed until the following Friday. Please make sure that the hours on your timesheet are correct and signed for by the client.


If you are faxing your timesheet to us, please confirm that we have received it prior to the cut-off time by leaving a voice mail with your name and contact phone number for Payroll. Due to the high volume of calls, Payroll will only contact you if your timesheet has not been received.

We use a computerised bank payroll service to generate our payroll and the data from the timesheets is submitted online every Monday morning. By making sure that the correct timesheet information is submitted on time, you will ensure that your pay cheque is processed correctly and on time.


Please do not mail or drop off your original timesheet if you have already faxed it in.


Pay cheques are processed for payment on the following Friday. Cheques may be picked up from our office on Friday between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. Pay cheques not picked up on Friday by 5.30 pm will be mailed out.



Your name
The dates you worked
The hours your worked (less lunch breaks)
Client’s name
Client’s authorisation


If you have any questions regarding your timesheets or pay cheque, please call our Payroll Administrator.



Resources & Useful Links:



Recruitment and Employment Confederation – information about recruitment businesses including code of conduct –


The Association of Executive Search Consultants – organization whose mission is to promote the highest professional standards in retained executive search


The Department of Trade and Industry – Working to create the conditions for business success and help the UK respond to the challenge of globalisation.


The Equal Opportunities Commission– Working to eliminate sex discrimination in Britain today.


The Disability Rights Commission – Working to create a society where all disabled people can participate fully as equal citizens.


The Commission for Racial Equality– Providing advice and guidance on racial discrimination, harassment or abuse


The Employers Forum on Age– An independent network of leading employers who recognise the value of an age diverse workforce


Asylum & Immigration Act 1996


Asylum & Immigration Act 1999


The Working Times Regulations 1998


Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006


National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments Act 2004


ACAS– devoted to preventing and resolving employment disputes


Citizens advice bureau –


Professional Bodies


The Chartered Institute of Marketing – the leading international body for marketing and business development.


The CIPD – the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people.


IOSH – Europe’s leading body for health and safety professionals. We have over 30,000 members worldwide, including more than 10,000 Chartered Safety and Health Practitioners


BIFM– the organisation which focuses exclusively on the interests of professional facilities managers.


The Chartered Quality Institute – (CQI – formerly the IQA) is the only chartered organisation dedicated to quality and improvement


The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales – the largest professional accountancy body in Europe, with over 125,000 members. The ACA is recognised by a huge and diverse spread of organisations – from the biggest professional services firms and major multinationals, through small and medium-sized businesses, to all kinds of public sector bodies.


CIMA – the fastest growing UK chartered accountancy body in terms of membership.


ACCA – (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the largest and fastest-growing international accountancy body, with members in 160 countries.


AAT – Established in 1980 to provide a recognised professional qualification and membership body for accounting technicians

The ICM – the largest professional credit management organisation in Europe. Its 8,700 members hold appointments throughout industry and commerce


The Institute of Financial Services (ifs) – the official brand of The Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIB), a registered charity and one of the world’s leading bodies for the provision of financial education and life-long career support to both the financial services industry and the wider community.


Chartered Institute of Insurers (CII) – the professional organisation for those working in the insurance and financial services industry.


The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) – qualifies, supports and represents professionals working in treasury, risk and corporate finance.


Chartered Institute of Taxation– The CIOT is the leading body in the UK for taxation professionals dealing with all aspects of taxation.


FSA – the regulator of the financial services industry in the UK


IGD – provides information, insight, research, and training for the food and grocery industry.


CIPS – Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply – provides information and practical training to enable people working in the purchasing and supply profession to deliver for consumers and to develop personally.


The Institute of Telecommunications Professionals – Promotes the development of its members through professional qualifications, online and live seminars and networking


Intellect– Leading trade association for the technology sector which comprises the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), Electronics Manufacturing and Design, and Consumer Electronics (CE) sectors, including defence and space-related IT. Offers a broad training curriculum for industry professionals.


BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT – Promotes wider social and economic progress in the UK and internationally through the advancement of information technology science and practice.


ABPI– Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry – the UK pharmaceutical industry’s main industry body and lobby group.


TOPRA – The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs – is the global organisation for Regulatory Affairs professionals and for those who have an interest in Regulatory Affairs in the healthcare sector.


BMA – British Medical Association – independent trade union and professional association for doctors and medical


RCN – Royal College of Nursing- represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies.


ICR– Institute of Clinical Research – organisation for professionals involved in the design, management and conduct of human clinical research.



What We Offer
The Process
CV Prep Service
Candidate Executive Outplacement
Refer A Friend
Timesheet Submission



Mint Human Capital
Moorgate House
5-8 Dysart Street

New York:
1140 Avenue of the Americas
9th Floor
New York,            NY 10036


Tel: +44 20 7173 8304 
New York:
Tel: +1 646 878 9015

© 2015-2021 Mint Human Capital. All rights reserved.

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